Friday, May 23, 2008

random friday posting

So, I've been down with the flu for about a week, and still recovering the bulk of this one. That, combined with a strange work schedule and working some overtime to make up time lost didn't leave a whole lot of time to post. I'll be back on track next week; for now, here's some random topics I've been mulling over in my head lately:

- Went and saw Prince Caspian last Friday with my father-in-law before he took off for Mongolia for a couple of weeks. I have to be honest that I was kind of expecting to be disappointed, but I was actually pretty pleased with it. My concern with adapting the book was that due to its length--under 100 pages--it would need to stray alot from CS Lewis' original story. But, despite being over two hours long, that wasn't the case. Sure, they took some "artistic liberties" (the raid on Miraz' castle; the little romance between Caspian and Susan that I REALLY didn't like), but, all in all, it was pretty spot on. I can't wait for Voyage of the Dawn Treader, due out in 2010. That was always one of my favorites in the Narnia collection...

- Speaking of going to the movies, about 5 minutes after we got in the theater I was reminded why I don't go often. Holy cow, people, have some manners! Sure, I knew the place was going to be packed on opening night, but that doesn't mean I was expecting kids running around, people talking loudly on cell phones, people saving ROWS of seats for late-arriving friends, etc. Things settled down after the trailers started rolling, but since when is it acceptable to--as the guy in front of me did--carry on a texting conversation through the movie? Or bring your 3-year-old, who cares nothing about the movie, and let him hang from the railings, loudly asking Mommy and Daddy when they were going to go every few minutes? And, oh, yeah, you think gas prices are high? Good thing I didn't show up to the theater hungry. I actually don't own a home, so I can't mortgage it to buy a tub of popcorn and a large coke. Anyway, at least the movie was good. But my visit to see it was a strong reminder why I much more enjoy watching the newly-released DVD from the comfort of my couch...

- I'm sure quite a few of you have heard the tragic story of Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter's passing (story is on his website here). I have to admit, being a new parent, this really hit me in the gut hard. My heart really breaks for them. Not only for their loss, but also for the emotional trauma it's sure to cause for their son, who accidentally ran over her. Please take a moment to pray for them. Steven, as well as his whole family, are such great warriors for Jesus Christ, and I know they're leaning on Him...but they need our prayer support, too....

- I thought this story was pretty interesting. Seems the woman was in WalMart, the guy in front of her, in a hurry, left an envelope on the counter, and the cashier handed it to the woman, thinking it was hers. Supposedly the envelope contained $1800, and the woman has now been charged with grand theft. I'm not dismissing the trauma the guy's going through, but there's one key point that seems to be missing: no one knows where they money is, and no one can prove it was there in the first place. So, uh, how can you possibly charge the woman? On the guy's word? I'm curious what everyone's take on it is, so leave me a comment and let me know. Whatever, though, it seems like both parties have issues...

- Memorial Day weekend is here. Enjoy the long weekend and don't forget to take a moment to remember why you've got Monday off--to pay respect to the men and women who allowed us to live in this great nation.

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