Anyway, had a great weekend with Becki's family. Her brother, sister-in-law, and 3 kids are back from Macedonia after a 5-year stay! They flew in on Friday and, despite being dog-tired, still managed to have dinner with us that night. Sunday afternoon we headed out to Toni's condo (which she graciously allows us to use from time to time) for some beach action. Had a blast body surfing with Brent and the kids. But I forgot how tiring being in the ocean can be! Anyway, Jacob got his first taste of the beach, too! He looked adorable in his lobster-festooned swimsuit and hat, and seemed to have a pretty good time with his feet in the wet sand and the waves. Those are the pictures above. Cute, ain't he?
Beyond that, it was a fairly typical weekend for the Waltons. Here are a few things on my mind, though:
- Please keep us in your prayers as we deal with some difficult situations at church. We are leaders of a Small Group and, while we enjoy it immensely, it puts us in some tough binds sometimes having to deal with "issues". Before I get into specifics, I'll just leave it at that, and ask for prayer that God would rejuvenate and re-inspire us, while giving us the wisdom to know what to do in these situations...
- On a related note, I'm beginning to shop my resume around a bit in hopes of finding a career closer to what I would like to be doing. I have a great job right now that comes with a pretty good paycheck, but, to be honest, I'm bored and feel like I'm not going anywhere there. So, it's time to test the waters a bit. Something in business/project management would be great, and I would be THRILLED to work from home. Really, I would like to find some sort of a semi-regular speaking gig in a church or two, also. I really miss that, think I'm good at it, and, who knows, could God be calling me back? All in His time...I pray that I can recognize it, though.
- My Dad turns 69 tomorrow! Happy Birthday, Dad! With a son of my own now, I am so much more appreciative of your role in my life, and I hope I can be half the father to Jacob that you were to me! I love you!
- As I've mentioned before, I've become slightly addicted to the Discovery Channel show, Deadliest Catch. Our DVR is now brimming over with episodes I have yet to watch, even though it seems like I'm getting 2 or 3 in a day. As I told, Becki, though...it's probably time to cut back. I'm finding myself on those boats every night in my dreams!
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