I didn't even realize until this moment that I didn't do a Weekend Review this week, so I guess my work-week has been fairly busy. Sorry about that! Anyway, the July 4th weekend was a long one (a four-day stretch turned into a five-day one thanks to Jacob's hospital visit) and fairly dull. Not even fireworks. But we did get to hang out with our good friends Scott and Carmen Copeland on Saturday afternoon, which is always a blast and way too infrequent. Other than making sure Jacob was back to full strength, though, we didn't really do anything out of the ordinary.
So, here's just a few random things going on in my head right now:
- Is it cruel that I take perverse joy from this story? Seems the big Apple IPhone launch yesterday didn't go all that well. Poor techies. As pointed out by a brilliant comment on the linked article, these same people should have to stand in line for food--not a gourmet meal, but life-sustaining rice, for instance--in a third-world country for awhile to gain some perspective. We make some interesting choices in this country (which, I guess, is why our country is so great--diverse opinions. But, still...). As noted by one of my co-workers yesterday while we were watching this on the news, the local station briefly mentioned how foreclosures were at one of the highest rates ever for our state--and then cut to a good five minutes of coverage about the IPhone drivel. Hmmm...
- It's finally time for a new car for the Waltons. Quite frankly, I should have been looking around a few months ago. But necessity is the mother of all invention (and, I believe, action), so, with the catalytic converter finally puttering out on us on our 2000 Kia Sportage, along with no A/C and some battery problems on the 1997 Nissan Altima...well, I guess it's time. Luckily we shouldn't have to look too hard before our vacation in less than two weeks, as our parents have graciously allowed the use of their automobiles in the meantime. In fact, we'll probably sit on it until then. We'll be in the market for a used-but-solid car, one with not a ton of miles on it, and basics like A/C, a CD player, and (for Becki) tinted windows. My hope is to find something where we can simply sell both cars--even in the shape they're in--and turn right around to buy a new (for us) one. Any suggestions? Better yet, know anyone who wants to buy a couple of good, solid cars that need some work?? :)
- Speaking of vacation...it's right around the corner! We fly out on July 23. I'll be posting a few times out there (hopefully) and also putting some pictures up on Flickr, so check back if you're interested. We're spending a couple of days in Yosemite, heading over to the coast for Becki's family reunion, and capping off the week with some sightseeing in San Francisco with our good friends Trevor and Heather and their two girls. I always get real excited about this trip--we do it every couple of years--and this year is no exception. I'm especially looking forward to introducing our son to everyone, including his cousins, aunts, and uncles.
- I still can't believe it, but I watched Bowling for Columbine last night. I feel dumber for it, and I'm still not sure exactly what hypothesis Michael Moore was trying to make...except that, in almost every homicide case, the fault lies with someone other than the shooter. That includes the six-year-old boy in Michigan who shot and killed his classmate and who, Michael conveniently leaves out, had behavioral issues that included stabbing at least one other classmate and whose mother was a single woman who, because of financial difficulty, "had" to move her family in with her crack-dealing brother--who also happened to own a loaded gun. Oh, and in the case of Columbine, well...apparently it was all Kmart's fault for selling the ammunition in the first place. Please...
I will agree with him on one point, though...our news media definitely feeds the fire when it comes to gun violence in America. Of course, Michael's way of dealing with that isn't to ignore the media. Nope, he decides to go make a movie about it. Pot, meet kettle.