Sunday, August 17, 2008

on Fay, the Lakeland Revival, and Fantasy Football...

As I write this, we’re keeping a wary eye to our south, where Tropical Storm (and soon to be Hurricane) Fay is churning across Cuba. At least that’s what the infidels want us to believe! Just kidding. Anyway, looks like we may have a windy, wet week ahead. I wouldn’t mind a day or two off work (if it’s paid, at least), so I’m not complaining too much. True to form, the media hype is already starting. The first three minutes of tonight's news included a story interviewing a family in Orlando who was cautiously boarding up. I mean, don't get me wrong--better to be safe than sorry--but let's not make this out to be another Katrina. And, of course, since I cleaned the garage out tonight in anticipation of storing the patio furniture in it so it won't blow around...there's no way that thing's coming anywhere near here.

On to a few other things:

- I would be remiss if I didn’t mention this item of news. If you didn’t read it earlier in my blog, I commented—pretty harshly, I might add—on the whole Lakeland thing. I’ll stand by my comments at the time, and just remind everyone that, along with a passion for the deep things of God comes great need—especially in this day and age—for discernment, as well. Whatever happens, though, Todd Bentley needs our prayers. A failed marriage is never good, and is against God’s will, so, no matter what my opinion is of the man, I am praying that he and his wife can reconcile.

- I’ve taken the plunge and joined two fantasy football leagues for the year. Actually, I hope to be in three, the third being a team in the new college version at CBS Sports, but I have to wait to see if there’s a spot available. Anyway, I tried this whole fantasy thing a few years ago, and failed miserably, probably because I just didn’t put any effort into it at all. This time around, I’m actually doing some research and getting informed. In fact, one of my teams is being built via live draft, so I’ll be chatting online with the other managers while putting it together. I’m actually excited about doing this, and we’ll see how it goes. As long as I don’t get stuck with any of the Dolphins’ quarterbacks, that is. Actually, Chad Henne looked pretty good tonight against the Jaguars (sorry, Scott). Oh, yeah, it’s the pre-season.

- I’m posting really late tonight because I stayed up to watch swimming in Beijing (Phelps’ record 8th gold medal!) and then the first half of the Saddleback Civil Forum. I will most definitely be posting more about this event in the next couple of days. I was very intrigued by it, and, although I’ve only watched the first half so far, it has not disappointed one bit. In fact, I’m more impressed than I thought I would be. This is what we who are Evangelical Christians should be doing—dialoguing with and asking honest, open questions of our candidates and their opponents. I love how Rick Warren opened it up tonight:

“We believe in the separation of church and state, but we do not believe in the separation of faith and politics. We’ve got to learn to disagree without demonizing each other and we need to restore civility in our civil discourse…”

I couldn’t agree more, and I’m thrilled that a Christian leader is actually leading the way. Like I said, more on this soon.

- I can’t help but believe that Russia’s recent invasion of Georgia will hurt their National Championship, and maybe SEC Championship, hopes. Time for Mark Richt to rally the troops. Just kidding, Scott.

1 comment:

Scott said...

Apparently, the boys from Savannah beat them back to the border The dawgs will not be denied!

Been a tense few weeks.